Electrical Exam Practice Tests
The main objective of this site is to provide one stop for the electricians who are preparing for electrician licensing examinations and any other electrician exam conducted by the state authorities. This site provides a platform to test your knowledge by practicing some electrician practice tests .
Journeyman Practice Tests
Journeyman Electrician exam is an electrical licensing exam to determine and tests the individual skills and knowledge to work as a certified or licensed electrician. The test contains multi-choice questions consists of basic electrical theory (ohms law, resistors, etc) and NEC code Questions. The site consists or various Journeyman electrician practice tests with each consists of 10 to 15 muti-choice questions. These electrical practice tests are designed in such a way to test your knowledge on wiring methods, branch circuit calculations, over current protection , motor control circuits etc.
Try these electrical journeyman practice tests for free.
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Electrical Theory Practice Tests:
This section consists of practice Questions on Basic Electrical theory concepts. Various theory and practice tests are available to test your knowledge. Each Test consists of 15 to 20 practice objective questions with answers. The following are some of the electrical basic theory and practice tests.
Protective Relay Practice Quiz
NEC Code Practice Tests
This part contains practice tests on NEC code book chapters. Each test consists of 10 to 15 objective type questions. The tests are absolutely free and self grading. The questions from major important chapters of NEC code book are extracted and designed as interactive tests. The detailed explanation to each question is depicted with proper calculations. Once you select the answer and check it, the result will be displayed showing correct or incorrect. If the answer is incorrect, It shows the correct answer with detailed explanations. The right navigator allows you to go through all the NEC Practice Tests available in the site. Please go through the tests.
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I think this is an excellent resource
Thanks alot for this quiz.. I will develop my knowledge in electrical theory and idea’s
superb web site
Great site!! Thanks!! Was doing well on the NEC tests (80%+), then I got to theory. And reading theory and calculations make up about 60% of NEC tests, I definitely need some learning, here. Any suggestions where or what to read?